Focus on Local Government

The Civic SciTech Traineeship is designed to help early career scientists and technologists develop and hone the necessary skills required for careers in policy while also building foundational knowledge of how local government works.

Experiential Learning

Trainees will engage in practical, hands-on experiential learning supported through ongoing mentoring and skill development. Teams of up to four trainees will be partnered with host offices from city and municipal governments to focus on a project of the host office’s choosing over a period of six months.

Modern office building, approximately 8 stories at a city intersection.

Lehigh County Courthouse in Allentown, Pennsylvania

Credit: Wikimedia Commons


In addition to completing a project with local governments, participants will be partnered with science and technology policy practitioners who have worked in local, state, or federal government to help participants navigate this new career pathway.

Growing Program

We launched our pilot Civic SciTech project with the City of Allentown in October 2024 and are hoping to launch an additional cohort in the future. Details to come.